A2 Milk vs A1 Milk: 101
The milk in your fridge might be a gateway to life-threatening diseases.
Hiding under the garb of the promise of good health is a potentially harmful drink that you’re giving to your loved ones.
What is A1 and A2 milk?
A1 milk (used most commonly) is obtained from cows of Western origin like Holstein, Jersey etc. A2 milk, which originated in India, is obtained from indigenous cow’s milk like Gir, Sahiwal etc.
A1 milk is cheaper and easier to find than A2 milk given the difference in availability. However, there has recently been a disagreement concerning the health benefits of these two types of milk. Because of its nutrition, A2 milk is becoming increasingly popular.
Understanding the Difference
Regular milk and A2 milk are structurally. Regular milk contains A1 beta-casein proteins with an amino acid which, when broken down, can create the peptide beta-casomorphin-7 or BCM-7. This peptide is associated with a multitude of health issues. BCM-7 has been found to have a wide range of ill effects on animals when injected into the blood. A few research groups suggest that BCM-7 may be associated with, and digestive problems. However, it is still unclear exactly to what extent BCM-7 is absorbed in its intact form into the blood.
It has been suggested by research groups that components of A1 milk are the reason for lactose intolerance. Healthy adult milk drinkers show a lack of BCM-7. However, its presence has been found in infants. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome or SIDS is the most common cause of death in infants under 12 months of age. High levels of BCM-7 have been detected in the blood of infants who temporarily stopped breathing. This condition is called sleep apnea and is linked to an increased risk of SIDS.

Studies show that milk which is composed of A2 protein alone doesn’t cause discomfort to lactose-intolerant people. While milk with A1 protein in it is associated with the development of in theory, milk with A2 protein alone has been linked to improved behaviour in autistic people. According to a study, rabbits who consumed A1-beta casein show fat build-up in injured blood vessels, in contrast, the fat build-up was much lower in rabbits who consumed only a2 beta-casein and this is linked to a lowered risk of heart disease.
In conclusion, you should swap out your milk for the A2 variety and only buy dairy products made from A2 milk. A sure step towards protecting yourself and your loved ones from life-threatening issues.